Arroyo Vista Elementary School

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Policies and Procedures

At Arroyo Vista, we embrace our core values and integrate them into what we do, how we behave and how we work together as a team.  The AV Core Values are:


RESPECT:  Each individual is worthy of respect.


INTEGRITY:  Personal and institutional integrity is the foundation of all we do.


DIVERSITY:  Diversity and commonality both enrich the human experience.


Arroyo Vista is a Peanut Free Zone:

The Arroyo Vista student population includes a significant number of students that have severe and life-threatening allergies to peanuts and peanut products.  Some of these students are affected by trace amounts of peanuts in our breath, in the air or oil left on a table. Because of the high number of students throughout all grade levels with this health issue and because we, the school, are required by law, to ensure a safe environment for all students, Arroyo Vista is a PEANUT FREE SCHOOL. Each classroom teacher who has such a student within his or her class will share more specifics of this issue and how it directly impacts the classroom and the food items that are donated to classroom parties.  The staff is also trained on a regular basis on the signs and symptoms of allergic reactions as well as how to administer an Epi-pen.


Appropriate School Dress:

We believe that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment.  Students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to wear clothing that is both reasonable and appropriate for elementary age children who are expected to participate in physical education and recess activities.  Clothing may not be a distraction to other students or the classroom learning environment and must promote safety.


While playing outdoors or participating in activities outside, students are allowed to wear articles of sun-protective clothing, including, but not limited to, hats.


The following attire is not allowed:

  • Any shoe that is not rubber soled; or shoes with wheels built into the soles;
  • Open-toe, open-heel or over 1" high-heel shoes;
  • Crocs;
  • Any shirt that displays inappropriate language or graphics or displays a logo or reference to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sex or violence;
  • Clothing that inhibits physical education activities.



Arrivals and Dismissal

Children are not to arrive at school before 8:00 AM.  AV does not have supervision until 8:00 am.  


At 8:00 AM, gates open and students should report to their classroom’s assigned line-up area on the playground. Students in 1st - 5th grade should sit or squat down in the line until their teacher arrives at 8:10 AM to escort the students to class. Students should not go directly to their classroom. TK, Kindergarten, and SDC students are met by a teacher or other staff member at their assigned gate.


Since our dismissal times are staggered, it is imperative that parents who pick-up their children meet at their assigned gates. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter and for helping us to ensure the instructional time in the upper grade classrooms is not disrupted.



Irregular Departures During School Hours:

If your child will be leaving school prior to the regular dismissal time, please send a note with your child that indicates the student's name, date, time of pick-up and the name and relationship of the person picking up the student.  The student should give the note directly to their teacher at the beginning of the school day. Students will remain in the classroom until a person arrives at the school office to pick them up.


When the authorized person arrives at school to pick up the student, the adult must report to the office to sign the child out of school.  Students will ONLY be released to the authorized person indicated in the note or listed on the student record card in the office. If your child returns before school is over, please escort him/her to the office in order to sign him/her back into school.


Students will not be released during school hours to ride bicycles or walk home alone.


Leaving School Without Permission:

Parents must reinforce with their children the fact that no one may ever leave school grounds without permission from the principal or principal's designee.  Disciplinary action will be serious for any violations of this rule.


Arriving Late:

Prompt attendance at school is a requisite for good citizenship and academic achievement.  A student who arrives after the 8:15am bell must report directly to the office to check-in before being admitted to class.  With the Gold Line trains running at regular intervals, it is important to give yourself adequate time in the morning so that students are not tardy.  A letter will be sent home if a student is late and/or tardy five (5) for more times within on trimester. Repeat offenders will be asked to attend a meeting with the counselor.



Absence for Illness:

Please contact the school office (441-5840 - press “1” at the greeting) each day that your child is absent from school.  You may also send a signed note to the office on the day that your child returns to school. The note must include the date(s) of the absence, the student's name, teacher, reason for the absence and your signature.


Homework Request for Illness Caused Absences:

Parents may request assignments after the second day of absence by phoning the school office in the morning.  Homework may be picked up after school the day of your phone call.


Absence for Reasons Other than Illness:

Any absence for reasons other than illness or a death in the immediate family causes the School District to lose money. Those absences include family trips, family emergencies, and religious observances or retreats. In order to avoid this loss of funds, you may apply for Independent Study, as follows and if the absence will be longer than 5 days:

  1. At least a week in advance of the absence, please report to the office to sign an  Independent Study form.
  2. The form will be given to the teacher in order to specify the requirements of the Independent Study contract.
  3. Ensure that your child completes the assignment and returns it to the teacher as prescribed on the form.
  4. Assignments are due when the student returns to school.


Birthday Parties:

Occasionally we are asked if birthday or other refreshments are permitted in classes.  Although we sympathize with the desire behind such an inquiry, experience indicates that such accommodations disrupt the educational program.  Since it is our desire to make maximum use of the time we have with your children, such refreshments are not permitted.


Invitations to parties and other flyers that are not-school/community related and that are not approved by the principal or superintendent may not be handed out during school hours.



The Weekly Wire envelope, which contains important information relating to class, school and community activities, is sent home each Tuesday.  Parents are expected to read the contents of the envelope and then sign the outside. Students are expected to return the envelope to their teacher the following day.


PTA Weekly Wildcat-  newsletter emailed on Sunday night. Go to to register.


ParentSquare is the communication method used by the administration for regular updates as well as emergency information.


Additionally, the school maintains a website that is updated on a monthly basis and all teachers, as well as the principal, have email. Email addresses for the district are formatted in the same manner – the initial of first name followed by the last name.


Homework Policy:

Team AV believes homework serves the purpose of supporting, reinforcing and extending skills and concepts found in the California State Standards.  It also serves to instill responsibility, positive study habits, and time management skills in students. Homework also provides a communication bridge between home and school.


Each grade level has determined that homework will consist of, but not be limited to:

  • Independent practice of skills taught;
  • Long/short term projects;
  • Recreational reading (independent or with a parent).


The approximate amount of homework time to be expected each night:

  • Kindergarten:  voluntary
  • 1st Grade:  minimum of 15 minutes plus 20 minutes of reading
  • 2nd Grade:  minimum of 20 minutes plus 20 minutes of reading
  • 3rd Grade:  minimum of 30 minutes plus 30 minutes of reading
  • 4th-5th Grade:  minimum of 40-50 minutes plus 30 minutes of reading


Team AV acknowledges and values appropriate parental monitoring of the homework process.  Working as a team, teachers and parents support the child’s educational experience and diverse needs to ensure successful learning. Please contact your child’s teacher regarding any homework questions or concerns.


Lost and Found:

Each year a distressing amount of beautiful clothing and lunch boxes are lost and unclaimed.  To ensure that lost articles may be returned promptly, please place your child's name on clothing, lunchboxes, backpacks, etc.  All unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of the year. The lost and found rack is located outside of the Multipurpose Room by the lunch shelter gate.



Students may either bring their lunch or get a free cafeteria lunch. No peanut products in lunches, please.


Medication Policy:

The procedures listed below will be followed when a parent requests that a student be permitted to take medication at school.

For the health and safety of your child at school, it is requested that:

  1. ALL medication given at school must be accompanied by a District form available in the office.
  2. All medication must be given from the prescription bottle or vial and in accordance with the label on the bottle or vial.
  3. For the safety and welfare of your child, as well as the total school population, do not put medication in a school lunch container. This includes such things as Tylenol, cough drops etc.
  4. If medication is given, a medication form must be obtained from the office and signed by your physician. No medication will be given without the dosage, schedule time and amount to be given.
  5. At the end of the year, parents must claim any medication remaining at school or the school nurse will dispose of it.
  6. For the safety and welfare of your child, as well as the total school population, do not put medication in a school lunch container.  This includes such things as Tylenol, cough drops, etc.
  7. Students are allowed to use sunscreen during the school day without a physician’s note or prescription.


Parent Responsibilities:

Our primary purpose is to assure that all students realize their full potential.  To maintain this purpose, it is vital that the school and home work together to face the challenges and celebrate the victories that occur throughout your child's schooling.  Parents are expected to take responsibility for:


Safety Issues:

  • To ensure that all health records and emergency phone numbers are up-to-date.
  • To notify the school every day that the child is absent for any reason.
  • To notify the office, in writing, when parents are going to be out of town.  Please include in the note the name and phone numbers of the people in charge of your child.
  • To ensure that children arrive and depart from school promptly during assigned hours.  This is especially important on Friday's minimum day schedule.
  • To ensure that your child knows and understands where and with whom s/he goes after school.
  • To understand and comply with the school medication policy.
  • To understand and support the school discipline policy.
  • To ensure that children understand that they may not sell anything at school unless it is under adult supervision and has the principal's approval and is done before or after school.


Health Issues:

  • To see that children attend school well-nourished, well-rested and following updated health protocols in regards to illness.
  • To ensure that children are dressed appropriately for the weather.
  • To notify the school promptly if a child has a contagious disease such as head lice, chicken pox, measles, impetigo, strep throat, conjunctivitis, etc. and to keep the child at home in accordance with school district policy.
  • To ensure that your child brings a healthy, nutritious snack.



Items Brought to School

  • To ensure that all articles of clothing and property are well marked with the student's name.
  • To send no medication of any kind with children except when authorized by a physician in writing to be administered by the office and with a signed note from the parent.  This includes aspirin, Tylenol, cough drops, or any other over-the-counter medication. A parent may personally administer medication during school hours without a physician's consent.  Any unauthorized medication will be confiscated. Please see the School Medication Policy section for further information.



Items NOT Brought to School

  • To ensure that the following items are not brought to school:
    • Balls, toys, electronics and other expensive items.  This includes not bringing electronic games, trading cards, yo-yo's, dolls, stuffed animals, etc.
    • Large amounts of cash


Telephone and Cell Phones/SmartWatches:

Students will be allowed to use the phone in the office or classroom for emergency calls only.  All after school or social arrangements should be made prior to the school day. Any cell phone or smartwatch that is in the possession of a student must be turned off throughout the instructional day.  Cell phones smartwatches that are left on and become disruptive to the educational environment or cell phones smartwatch that are used as distracters from learning will be taken from the student until a parent can pick it up.


If a student brings such an item to school, the school is not responsible if it becomes lost, stolen or damaged.  When inappropriate items are brought to school, the items may be confiscated. The teacher/principal may hold items until the end of the day until a parent collects the items, or until the end of the year.            


Rainy Days:

Students arriving at school on rainy days should proceed directly to their classrooms unless otherwise directed to a different area of campus. There is no change in the length of the school day during rainy days.  Please be sure to discuss with your child how s/he will go home on rainy days, and ensure your child is appropriately dressed and/or has an umbrella.


Report Cards:

Report cards are issued three times a year.  A parent conference is scheduled in November at the end of the first trimester to report on pupil progress. Parent conferences are also scheduled in March.  Parents should contact their child’s teacher as soon as any questions or concerns arise.


Rollerblades, Roller Skates, Razor Scooters, Skateboards, and Bicycles on Campus:

Students may ride their bicycles and scooters to and from school.  Students must wear a helmet. Upon arriving on campus, students must walk their bicycles to the bike rack, which is located in the fenced enclosure between Room 100 and the girl’s restroom in the courtyard.  Please note that the school is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged bicycles.


Students should not wear shoes with wheels built into the sole to school.


Student Recognitions:

Every month three students from each class in grades 1-5 are selected to receive Character and Achievement Recognitions. Achievement Recognition awards will focus on a different academic content area, while the Character Recognition awards will focus on demonstration of the SPUSD/AV Core Values.  These children are honored at a Recognition Assembly held at 8:30 AM one Friday per month. Parents of those being recognized will be formally invited to attend.   


Student Council:

Each classroom, in grades 3-5, elects two student representatives to serve on the Student Council.  Elections are held twice a year - fall and spring. Student Council meetings are held on a monthly basis before school.  The Council works on school-wide activities that promote learning and community service.


Students Presence on Campus During Non-School Hours:

Students should be on the playground only during supervised times.  Students are not be allowed to return to school after school is dismissed and should not be on the school grounds after school or on weekends.


Visiting School:

All visitors to Arroyo Vista must first report directly to the office to sign in and obtain a visitor sticker.  At the conclusion of your visit, please return to the office and sign-out. School tours for prospective new families are scheduled twice a year and include an overview of the many school programs and a visit to classrooms.


Classroom Visitation Procedure:

Visitations are to be for educational purposes only. Observations must be limited to 20 minutes and the parent must be accompanied by the school administrator or school counselor so as not to disrupt the instructional activities.  If you would like to observe in a classroom, contact the office to assist you in scheduling the appointment.


Traffic Flow and Pick-Up Procedure:

It is important to follow the posted street signs regarding parking, speed and U-turns.  By following the guidelines listed below and by being a safe, respectful driver, we can all work together to improve the traffic flow around the school.


Dismissal Time:

All students that are being picked up by a parent, or another authorized person will be escorted to their assigned dismissal gate. Students who are being picked up by after school daycare providers will meet the providers at the supervised back gate on Cawston. Students will be monitored at both locations until the parent or authorized adult escorts them off campus.





  • The drive-through lane on El Centro is a unloading zone. Parents should not leave their vehicle.
  • When unloading your children in the white zone, children should enter and exit the car from the passenger side only.
  • There should be ONE LINE OF CARS only. Do not double park!
  • Several cars can be unloading at one time if the first car will pull forward.
  • It is important to keep the traffic flow moving
  • U-turns are illegal in front of the school.
  • Children should cross with the crossing guards at Pasadena Ave and Cawston.



  • In the white unloading zone beside the classrooms, cars must NEVER be left UNATTENDED. This is for drop off only.
  • Children should enter and exit the car from the passenger side only.
  • There should be ONE LINE OF CARS only. Do not double park!
  • To unload students, enter Cawston from El Centro.  Do not enter Cawston from the alleys or attempt to turn around in a neighbor's driveway.
  • Be sure to pull forward so that several cars can unload at one time.
  • TK and Kindergarten students enter campus through the gate next to the Kindergarten and TK classrooms.



  • Doran is a walk up gate only. Do not drive down Doran during arrival or dismissal times.


Instructional Programs:

Physical Education:

Physical Education P.E.) is scheduled for 200 minutes every ten days for students in grades 1-5. Students participate in activities designed to improve large muscle skills as well as those which teach the basic fundamentals of games/team sports, and sportsmanship.



Arroyo Vista has a credentialed music teacher for ⅓ of the academic school year. Each class attends music once per week during the music rotation. The school district also provides an instrumental teacher for all interested fifth graders. Instruction is provided for all band instruments.



Arroyo Vista has a credentialed art teacher for ⅓ of the academic school year. Each class attends art class once per week. Classroom teachers and parent volunteers provide additional instruction.


Theater Arts:

Arroyo Vista has a credentialed theater arts teacher for ⅓ of the academic school year. Each class attends theater once per week during the art rotation.


English Language Development (ELD):

Students’ English language proficiency is assessed each year, and appropriate instruction is planned.


Special Education:

Special Education services are available for those students with identified disabilities.  Students who experience difficulty with learning tasks may be referred for assessment. A team which includes school and District support staff, as well as parents, determines a child’s eligibility for this program.



All playground games are to be played according to PE rules.

Students should be engaged in play in one of the following designated play areas:

  • Handball
  • Tetherball
  • Kickball
  • Hop Scotch
  • Soccer
  • Four Square
  • Jump Ropes / Hula Hoops
  • Basketball
  • Reading / Social tables
  • Play and Climbing Structures


Chase / Tag of any kind is not permitted unless it is a supervised PE activity. Students should not bring their own play equipment from home


Arroyo Vista Special Activities:


August / September:

  • Welcome Back Coffee: Meet with the PTA President and Principal on the first day of school to learn about staff changes as well as the exciting activities planned for the year.
  • Back to School Night: An informative evening where parents become acquainted with their child's teacher as well as PTA and SPEF.  Wish Night gives parents an opportunity to financially support the classrooms and school-wide programs by donating items that go above and beyond what the school can provide.



  • Red Ribbon Week:  Students participate in activities and pledge to make healthy choices and say No to drugs.
  • Family Movie Night: Students and their families are invited to bring their own food to picnic with their schoolmates.  This gives families an opportunity to meet and visit in a relaxed, informal evening setting.
  • Vision and Hearing Screening: TK, Kinder, Second, and Fifth-grade students will participate in Vision and Hearing screening in the Multipurpose Room.
  • Halloween Parade:  Students are permitted to wear costumes that follow specific guidelines on Halloween.  A school-wide Halloween parade is scheduled in the morning and is held on the playground.
  • Bully Prevention Month



  • Parent/Teacher Conferences - 1st - 5th graders will be dismissed at 12:30 pm during the week of conferences.
  • Book Fair- in the Multipurpose Room 
  • 5th grade Outdoor Science School: Fifth-grade students spend a week at a science camp in Wrightwood. This program is under the direction of the Los Angeles County Office of Education.



  • 5th grade State Project: Fifth-grade students participate in an incredible learning opportunity in which each student a state project.  Projects are presented to the Tournament of Roses judges and Court.  
  • All School Sing - A musical program performed by students in all grades.



  • Science Fair:  Students have the opportunity to complete and display their science projects.
  • Jog-a-Thon:  This annual event raises additional funds for PTA sponsored activities as well as raising awareness of health/wellness issues for all.   All students are encouraged to participate in this activity.



  • Read Across America/Dr. Seuss Day:  Guest readers are invited into the classrooms.
  • Spring Parent Conferences - Second Trimester Report Cards are reviewed.
  • Open House: This evening is a celebration of the achievements of the students.  



  • All City Track Meet - Schools from South Pasadena compete in an optional, friendly track meet.
  • Spring Book Fair: The Book Fair offers books and other educational materials for purchase.  


  • CAASPP Testing: Students in 3-5 grade participate in state testing.
  • Honorary Service Awards & Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast: The PTA recognizes those people who have given above and beyond of themselves to support the school, students, the and community. The PTA and school also honor all of the many volunteers that have supported the instructional program throughout the school year.
  • Sports Day:  Sports Day is an all morning "mini-Olympics" event for all students.  Volunteers organize the event.



  • Fifth grade Promotion, Lunch, and Party in the Park: Fifth-grade students present a special program for their parents and families.  In the afternoon students go to Orange Grove Park.