Arroyo Vista Elementary School

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Stay Connected! » Top 5 Ways to Stay Connected to AV:

Top 5 Ways to Stay Connected to AV:

1. Parentsquare:
ParentSquare is connected to Aeries, so when you register, you automatically are set up to receive communication from the school and the district. ParentSquare will also be used in emergency situations. ParentSquare is used to send schoolwide updates, reminders, and the monthly Principal Newsletter. It is helpful to have the ParentSquare App because all communication stays there and is easier to pull up than looking through your email.
2. PTA's Weekly Wildcat
If you subscribe to the Weekly Wildcat, you will receive an informative email every Sunday from PTA. You'll know all about the upcoming events that PTA supports as well as all of the enrichment offerings from our community partners. While you're on the PTA website subscribing, be sure to join PTA!
3. The AV School Website and Calendar:
Here you can subscribe to the AV school calendar. You can see upcoming events and have one added layer of communication. The website also have links about policies, schedules, and resources for parents and students.
4. Instagram:
Arroyo Vista PTA has a wonderful Instagram account to share some great photos, videos, and graphics about school events. The new AV Instagram will share moments captured during the school day.
5. Other forms of communication:
Many teachers use the Weekly Wire, an envelope that is sent home on Tuesdays. Teachers may use the envelopes for graded classwork and other class notices as well as for flyers that are distributed at school. Teachers will explain their communication methods at Back to School Night.