Arroyo Vista Elementary School

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AV Participates in The Great Kindness Challenge

Arroyo Vista is proudly participating in The Great Kindness Challenge from January 22 -26. The week-long program is dedicated to creating a culture of kindness and compassion in communities worldwide. This year’s kindness theme is Create Kindness! 

A beautiful quote by Maya Angelou says, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." A simple act of kindness can go a long way. It is more important than ever to show kindness to all people, and we hope to remind students of this message throughout the week.

To help our students practice kindness and put their compassion into action, they will each receive a Great Kindness Challenge Checklist. Wildcats are encouraged to complete as many of the acts of kindness as possible at school, and we hope they feel inspired to continue them at home as well! Additional kindness activities will be set  up during recess for students to participate in all week. Please use the following link to view the official 2024 Great Kindness Challenge Kickoff Video for more information. 

Together, we will lift each other up, cheer each other on, and show the world that Kindness matters!